Hardy Jones
Los Altos, CA
Tel: 650-941-9785
Artistic Telos
Life is a treasure hunt for old rusty metal objects: yesterday's machinery and broken tools are salvaged, metal parts are rearranged and welded together, and are reborn as a dancer, an animal, or a warrior. My work is spontaneous, asymmetrical and joyful.
Spanish (conversational)
Japanese (soon)
Formal Training and Professional Experience
Harvard Medical School: Anatomy and M.D. degree (1974)
University of Florida, Gainesville: Surgical internship, orthopedic research (1974-1976)
Gainsville Community College: Night School in welding (1975)
Stanford University: Residency in orthopedic surgery-advanced training (1976-1980)
Orthopedic Surgery Practice--The Permanente Group (1980-1997)
Arc Welding
Metal Treasure Hunting
Awards and Prizes in Sculpture
2010 - present
1976 Cedar Key Arts Festival, Cedar Key, FL--First Place: Pelican Sunset
1981 Kaiser Permanente Art Show, Santa Clara, CA--Most Popular Entry: Neptune
1981 Kaiser Permanente Art Show, Santa Clara, CA--Best of Show: Pelican Sunset
1982 Kaiser Permanente Art Show, Santa Clara, CA--First Place: Don Quixote
1982 Kaiser Permanente Art Show, Santa Clara, CA--Best of Show: Don Quixote's Horse
1984 Kaiser Permanente Art Show, Santa Clara, CA--Best of Show: Junkyard Dog
1984 Kaiser Permanente Art Show, Santa Clara, CA--Most Popular Entry: Fish
1985 Kaiser Permanente Art Show, Santa Clara, CA--Honorable Mention: Man & Woman
1985 Kaiser Permanente Art Show, Santa Clara, CA--Most Popular Entry: Reality Checkpoint
1985 Kaiser Permanente Art Show, Santa Clara, CA--First Place: Hot Tub Alligator
1992 Los Altos City Sidewalk Sculpture Competition--Winner: Junkyard Dragon
1996 Los Altos City Sidewalk Sculpture Competition--Winner: Woodland Pony
2010 - present